Monday, February 27, 2017

Objective of this blog.

On The Salty Chef I will be supplying my favorite recipes, places to eat around the Las Vegas area, and give my own two cents about all the new places I try. I enjoy critiquing restaurants based on service, atmosphere, and overall quality of food. As an elaborate home chef and a picky eater, my critiques can be a bit harsh. Which has given me the nickname "Salty Chef" with my friends whenever we go out. So expect endless praise of places I like, or salty roasts of the places I don't. Hope you enjoy it.


  1. Alrighty then! This definitely sounds like a blog I'll be able to sink my teeth into (pun intended, of course.) I really hate eating out in Las Vegas because so many places really do think presentation is everything and their product is actually crap. But they survive because they have two million people to practice on before they're seen for the frauds they are. I'm definitely going to follow your blog. Thanks, Collin Stewart.

  2. Wow I think is idea, sharing which restaurant is worth spending money on. I been to a few restaurant were the food is really good but the presentation looks really bad. Following this post for future ideas to where to eat.
